Shoes and accesories | Ovyé
A long history of quality.
That what in the early ‘900 was a surname hanging at the antrance of a little establishment, is today the brand of a company spread all over the world.
The secret is in the love the Lucchi family has put in their activity and in their talent to make it grow, always making it at the forefront, but without forgetting the tradition that holds it. Ovyé is the new look of the company, the style in which the modern woman aknowledge herself, but in her multiple aspects and in her infinite emotions: sportswoman, elegant, aggressive but sweet.
Like a splitting personalities, Ovyé woman can divide into the classic made of heels, décolletés and boots, or into the colorful sneakers that accompany her in the everyday life.
The Lucchi family has always wanted to listen to this woman, to understand her needs and to care her with the style making her feel at ease.
One hundred years have passed since Giovanni Lucchi made his first pair of shoes in Piumazzo, near Modena, and still today this magnificent story keeps surprising us.
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Where / Via dei Pellicciai - 40050 Funo di Argelato (BO) - Italy
Phone / +39 051 6647102

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