Women’s wear | Rosanna Pellegrini
The company was founded in 1963 by Mrs. Rosanna Pellegrini and her husband Enrico.
Rosanna Pellegrini’s collections are distributed to the best boutique at national and international level and are addressed to a classy woman who loves standing out and having a sophisticated, smart and elegant appearance.
Autumn/Winter collection are knitwear made mainly with high-quality yarns, while in the Spring/Summer collection, in addition to “real tricot”, fine fabrics of various types prevail.
Pride of our company is the fact that production has always been carried out with handicraft care 100% Made in Italy, far away from any form of outsourcing.
Web / www.rosannapellegrini.it
Where / Via Cornacchiara, 123 - 47030 Borghi (FC) - Italy
Phone / +39 0541 629717


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